Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Okay. We have now launched and you can go there and post all your messages. There are different sections so if you are posting about your training schedule, there is a section for that. If you have questions about Harrogate Hills, there is a section for that. If you just want to talk to others about your experiences with horses, there is a section for that too.
Let as many people know as possible and we'll see you there.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Dr. Lori Wolf

Today after the horse show at Harrogate there was a memorial gathering at Lori's house in Mount Albert. It was organized by Lori's family in the States and her mother, father, step mother, brother and aunt all attended. It was a chance for everyone to remember her as a good friend and as someone who contributed to the welfare of horses and animals all her life.
It was also an opportunity to meet others who had known Lori and to share memories and stories about her. Not too surprising, a lot of the stories contained references to her acerbic sense of humour but I think it was agreed by most that Lori used her 'hard' side to shield a very sensitive, generous and caring soul.
The gathering provided a much needed sense of closure for Lori's Canadian friends since we were so used to her going to Florida in the fall and returning around this time of year. Speaking for myself there was a jarring 'finality' to seeing all of the photographs and all of the letters that had been written about her. Despite knowing that she passed away almost two months ago, somehow I guess there was always a part of me that thought I would see her driving up to the farm again.
There is a lot to be learned from how Lori handled her battle with cancer, how strong she was and how much she seemed to appreciate the friendship that everyone offered to her. It is also not unimportant to remember that each day we have is a gift and that we shouldn't waste a moment.
None of us have an endless supply of tomorrows and losing such a vibrant, intelligent caring friend at such a young age should remind us all to live each day to the fullest.

Rest in peace Lori.

Horse Show

Great day and I will try to have the results to post tomorrow.
The judge thought everyone conducted themselves in a very positive and professional manner and I think he was impressed. I know that I was!
Thanks to everyone who came out to help and support the riders.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Horse Show Sunday May 28th

The horse show starts at 9:30 a.m.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
A "get well soon" message goes out to Kandice, Cassie and Bridgit who won't be able to join us tomorrow.
Everyone else, see you Sunday.

Comment about comments

Thanks so much to Miranda and Melissa for taking the time to write reports on their work with Patrick and Kerry.
The comments are well thought out and informative.
Good job!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Horse Show on Sunday

The show starts at 9:30 on Sunday and I will double check the time competitors are expected to arrive and I will post that information at this site tomorrow.

Sunday also happens to be the Memorial for our friend Dr. Lori Wolf who passed away in March.
I mention that because I will have to leave very quickly at the end of the show and if the time is tight I may not have the opportunity to explain where I am running off to.
Joan is going as well.

Format Trials

Thanks to every one who has posted to this site. Stay tuned because we may change the format to more of a forum/bulletin board.
If you think that would be a better way for all of us to exchange views etc. please let me know by commenting on this post.
Again thanks for reading what has been posted these last few days.
See you tomorrow.

Thursday, May 25, 2006


The new horse arrived tonight and has settled into her new home quite nicely. She will be accepting guests shortly!
Actually she is very friendly and even Shade seems to be warming up to her. Omby has not made a decision either way and Grandpa is convinced that she has noticed him more than anyone else. I am beginning to think that is just the way that Grandpa looks at life.
(Surely it can't have anything to do with the adulation he receives around here........ )

Training updates

This post is for all of the training comments. It will eventually move down and off this page but you will be able to access it from the 'recent posts'.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Robert Zimmerman

Happy 65th Birthday to Bob Dylan!

That's for Cherylyn and Mike....

New horse

This Thursday evening the new horse arrives around 7:00.
Hopefully she'll settle in okay and everyone can meet her this weekend.

Accidents happen

If you see Kandice make sure you wish her a speedy recovery. She's done some damage to her ankle (possibly broken) but I think I'll leave it to Kandice to explain how she did it!
Hint. It had nothing to do with horses.
Get better soon Kandice!

Pete stars in Black Beauty remake....

Tonight the lesson took place in Cash's field because despite ALL THE RAIN on the long weekend, the sand ring was dusty!
At any rate, good old easy going Pete passed by the south east corner of the field and leaped sideways. Now I had just tried to convince Zahra that Pete would be just fine and yet there he was spooking at nothing.
The two went around the field again and as they passed that corner he jumped sideways once more, almost losing poor Zahra in the process. Finally at this point, given that Pete rarely gets frightened, I thought perhaps we should investigate. There, lying in the grass, was metres and metres of electric fence wire that had all been pulled off the fence (Eddie???).

Where is the Black Beauty moment you ask? Well, remember when Black Beauty wouldn't cross the bridge because he sensed it had washed out? And remember how his driver had gotten angry with him for not getting on with things and doing as he was told? Well. It is a bit of a stretch [a bit? Ed.] but that is who Pete reminded me of tonight. None of us saw the fence wire was down and it would have been pretty awful if a horse had gotten caught up in it.
Okay. Maybe it is not quite a Black Beauty moment but it did remind me that horses often have a very good reason for acting the way they do and that instead of whispering "idiot!" under my breath when Pete jumped away from 'nothing' I should gone to look right away to see what was making him act out of character.
Live and learn......

How to add comments

From what I can tell, if you wish to comment on this blog you have to register and get a user name etc. Again, my understanding is that once you have done this once you can post a comment whenever you wish.
I hope it makes sense to all of us eventually! LOL
Signed the Techno Wiz!

Horse Show

Just a reminder that our in house horse show is this Sunday, May 28th. Even if you are not entering the show, feel free to come out and cheer on your friends. It starts at 9:30 and Michael Crawley is the judge.

Brigadier's law

Petition for Brigadier
I received this information from a friend of the farm and thought I would pass it along.

The Humane Society has started a petition to present to the Federal Government in the hopes of amending the Police Service Animals and giving them the much needed protection they deserve.
Please go to and complete the petition and pass this on to all the people you feel would like to support this worthwhile endeavour.

Barbaro's Recovery

If anyone is interested in reading information on how Barbaro is making out go to They have a lot of up to date information on his progress.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Welcome to the New Harrogate Hills blog.

It is my hope that we can create a more workable format for exchanging information. The guest book at has been working so far but this might allow all of us to expand on things we want to talk about.
I plan to check in frequently and hope that we can keep all our comments polite and friendly. That is the way it is at the farm so lets keep it that way in cyberspace too!
Looking forward to hearing from you all.