I was at the Super Centre on Yonge Street the other day. They have an upstairs area with tables and sometimes, when I have some work to do I will go there, buy a coffee and try to get some things done.
The other day, as I looked out over the rows and rows of colourful, fresh produce and the stocked to over flowing shelves I couldn't help but be thankful that I live where I do.
The Super Centre is ONE store in Newmarket. There are all sorts of grocery stores in this country that look just the same; overflowing with good quality, fresh food.
Why are we so 'lucky' in Canada?
Perhaps my opinion on that is best left to another day but today, on Canada's 139th birthday, look around, reflect on how wonderful, easy and glorious life is in this country.
Don't ever forget that there are places in the world that are not like this.
Don't ever take it for granted.
Happy Canada Day!
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